Modern Slavery Statement

Rapiergroup is committed to limiting the risk that modern slavery could occur within our business, or the business of our suppliers or customers. Modern slavery can take many forms. It is a complex problem but one which Rapiergroup will not tolerate. Some examples of modern salary are as follows:

  • Slavery- where ownership is exercised over an individual.
  • Servitude- involves the obligation to provide service imposed by coercion.
  • Forced and compulsory labour – work or service is not voluntarily performed but obtained through threat of force or penalty.
  • Human Trafficking – involves arranging or facilitating the travel of another with a view to exploiting them.
  • Child labour – the employment of children that is exploitative, or is likely to be hazardous to, or interfere with, a child’s education, health, physical wellbeing or social development.

All employees must remain vigilant to the risk of modern slavery in all aspects of our business and those businesses we work alongside.

The company Directors are ultimately responsible for ensuring that Rapiergroup complies with all legal and ethical responsibilities.

All new employees must provide documentation confirming their age prior to employment. Employees contracts and other records, documenting relevant details of employees including age are maintained and available for auditing purposes.

All employees are made aware of this modern slavery policy and Health and Safety practices during the Induction process.

Rapiergroup may at times support workplace apprenticeships, internships and other similar programmes where those working for the company are less than 18 years. The working patterns of such workers will remain in line with the ILO Minimum Age Convention No.138.

If an employee suspects that another employee, or an employee of a supplier or customer, is a victim of modern slavery then they must report their concern at the soonest opportunity to the HR Manager.

Rapiergroup have a zero tolerance of modern slavery. Any breaches of this policy by an employee or Director of the company may lead to disciplinary action being taken. Serious breaches may be regarded as gross misconduct and may result in dismissal through our disciplinary process.